Nice places to visit in Stockholm

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Nice places to visit in Stockholm
2016-01-12|Kategoria: Wypoczynek / Podróże

Stockholm is accessible both by sea and by air. The Swedish capital is a magical place with many interesting stockholm places to visit. Venture into Stockholm at least once in your life. The city stockholm, places to visit, can be visited by yourself or with the help of a guide. The standard point from which tourists start their adventures with the city, is the Town Hall. At each tourist it makes a big impression, especially beautiful is the Gold room, which was lined with nineteen millions of gilded tiles. In turn, the Blue Room is famous throughout the world due to take place in the annual ceremony of awarding the Nobel Prize. In any case, you can not miss a visit to Drottningholm Palace, home of the Swedish royal family. The palace is also known as the Swedish little Versailles. Visiting Stockholm is also a walk through the old city, known as Gamla Stan. It is here that there are a number of Swedish merchants century buildings. Choosing a stroll through the old town of Swedish should wear comfortable shoes, beacouse walk around the cobbled streets can be a little tiring.

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